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I found a very interesting article on an old issue of Dune Buggies - The fun car journal (Hot VWs today) from December 1968 (a very cool issue detailing the all new EMPI IMP buggy...). I thought it would be interesting to copy here what was written at that time as it really shows what the Bug-ins were all about. Enjoy this reading...
Here's the first chance for the street buggies, beetles, and buses to show off their bugs, and to compete with the off road hot shoes on equal terms, with a buggy blast, the battle of the beetles, and the boss bus bust.
With all the competitive events established for off road racing, an occasional slalom event in a parking lot, and a few car shows here and there, the majority of buggistas and streetistas haven't been able to do much more than assume the role of spectators. Dune Buggies Magazine, with a long string of firsts to its credit, adds another one with the First National BUG-IN, a chance for the enthusiasts who own nice buggies, but don't want to get into off-road competition, or have sharp VW beetles, or wild vans (Transporter series VW, that is), to get in on the action, to show everyone what they've built, to see everyone else has going and to compete in any or all of 3 big events.
BUG-IN will feature first of all a concours car show, open to anyone with a buggy, or bus. Competition will be divided into classes for standard, custom and competition buggies,as well as custom and competition classes for beetles and buses. The concours will be for vehicles only, no fancy displays will be allowed, and the buggy, beetle, or bus will have to stand on its own merits while being judged by a panel of experts well qualified in all phases of construction, technical detail, and esthetic appeal. In addition, a display class will open to manufacturers to show their creations, and there'll also be booths in the Bug Top tent where the latest in bits and pieces for dressing up or hotting up every form of Bug, from the Sand rail to the surfer's van, will be available for inspection.
A second competition event, this one a bit more lively, will be a Giant Slalom run to challenge the driving skill, handling characterictics, and performance of every driver and machine entered against the clock. Naturally, to run on this twisty miniature road course, entrants must pass a safety inspection and be equipped with a safety helmet, rollbar and seatbelt. Top flight slalom machines from the Pacific Northwest, as well as other parts of the country, will provide hot competition, but here's another chance for every entrant to take his best shot! For safety reason, the slalom event will be limited to buggies and VW sedans only.
The third event, drag runs, will give all comers a chance to test the accelerative performance of their equipment over the standing quarter-mile. This contest will require the same safety measures as does the slalom. A series of sizzling match races between well known high performance machines such as EMPI's Inch Pincher, Bruce MEYER's Purple Tomato Chip and several others will provide some eyes popping, ear shattering action that's guaranteed to bring spectators to their feet. And the Inch Pincher crew has announced the car will take on all comers, on a run what you brung basis. These drags, using buggies, beetles, and yes... even a van or two, will provide food for thought for those who are firm believers in ya can't beat cubic inches...
A BUG-IN Queen... door prizes... commemorative dash plaques for anyone who enters any of the events... trophies and merchandise awards for class winners and runners-up... entertainment galore... excellent concessions and comfort facilities... huge parking areas for those who just spectate (boy, are they missing out on the fun...), big grandstands for the action events, a good announcer and the tops in trained personnel for a smooth run meet, this is what those attending DUNE BUGGIES Magazine first National BUG-IN will find going for them.
Where? BUG-IN will be held at Orange County International Raceway, one of the country's best equipped and most beautiful competition drag strips, complete with its own road racing course. It's located near Irvine, California, only 37 miles from downtown Los Angeles, just off the Santa Ana Freeway. This strip has been the scene of some of the hairiest 200 mph plus duels in drag racing, and has provided some excellent road racing for sports cars and grand prix motorcycles. Spectator admission will be 2$, and entry fees will really be at bargain basement rates : 5$ for any one vent, 8$ for two events, or you can enter all three for only 10$.
Keep posted for more cool period writings soon...
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E-mail : eldub@cal-look.com