El Dub's Nostalgia corner.

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 Rich BAY Fiat 600 : The first VW powered Fiat Gasser...   Huuummm at least Porsche powered...
Without any doubt, Fiat VW (or Porsche by the way...) powered Gasser are part of the Nostalgia scene. When I look in my stuff for material, I found some cool facts and pictures that I simply had to show you here! Note that facts comes from an old Hot VWs issue entitled "Little Giant Killer".
First part of this new serie is devoted to Rich BAY '58 Fiat 600, the very first infamous german powered Fiat to hit the California streets. Don't forget to check the Race Shop section for the Fiat 850 details...
The car looked the part from every angle... Now imagine being beaten by the little (baby?) car while driving a Corvette...
Believe it or not, at first, the Fiat was used daily with its Porsche powerplant to carry Rich to work and back... Shoud be something really special on the streets... But as time passed, the need for speed was more and more evident and the stock transaxle was replaced by a '65 Porsche unit (1B, 2B, 3E, 3B gears) with drag racing purpose only rear suspension.
Engine consisted of a '66 Porsche 912 1790cc with stock stroke SPG roller, 87.5 bore barrels, Norris Camshaft and the usual Weber 48IDA...
This explosive Wurtz/Spaghetti combination allowed Rich to achieve NHRA I/Gas top speed record with a
111.52 mph blast...
Rich prepare for another 1/4 mile blast... Note the large stock Fiat steering wheel... Car weighted a 1200 lb.
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E-mail : eldub@cal-look.com