El Dub's Nostalgia corner.

We often think that California is the only part of the world as far as Nostalgia VW are concerned... This is a big mistake... In fact, VWs were everywhere back in the 60s/70s and young guys wanted their own custom bug whatever the part of the country they were living... No doubt my teammate BenJ who is searching the Internet every day in the neverending quest of finding old pictures had that in mind when he found awesome pictures of brand new bugs wearing psychedelic paintjobs in front of a Tennesse VW dealership ...
BenJ found the complete story behind and believe me, it worth some thousands $$$... We already know of Economotors and some famous others in Los Angeles area but I never thought that a VW dealership from Tennessee would have someone customize some brand new 50 bugs by a young talented pinstriper... Not convinced? Well, here is the complete story... Enjoy...
This is the very first bug Rick painted for the VW Moore dearlership of Gallatin.
Rick interest for Volkswagen began when, against all odds, his father bought him a '69 Navy Blue bug. Rick was dreaming of a Camaro Z28, but sometimes, some things not go as planned... There were soooo many VW on the streets... Rick began making the little bug HIS bug by adding some pinestripes there and there... Very proud of his work, he decided to go to Gallatin MOORE VW dealership to show his skills.
November '70 picture with the brown painted bug in front of the Moore dealership. Rick used lace painting on metalflake bronze paint. Looked awesome on EMPI Spider mags and Good'year Poliglass GT...
MOORE salesmen were enthusiastics and impressed by Rick work. Would you believe they ordered him 50 brand new bug paintings? Most of them were 1302 beetles... Sounds crazy today when you think about it... I don't know of any modern VW dealership who would order such a thing on just off the factory line assembly VW Golf...
Bronze metalflake and chrome (note the chrome taillights) looked amazing under the sun light.
The result? A truly awesome Firework of colored bugs you wouldn't believe in if period pictures weren't available through the artist himself... When Benj and I first saw these pictures, we couldn't believe our eyes... NO precedent ever...How in life those pictures never sufaced before? We can't thank enough BenJ for such a find, only on the Nostalgia corner ;-) Spread the words...
One of fifty... This 1302 looks very 70s stylish. Not the hubcaps...
Paintshemes may look similar but the result looks very different on various original VW colors...
Rick used many different painting methods... Lace panel, swirl, patterns in tape, freak drops, blow outs, endless lines... In the end, and judging by the pictures, any little bug looks like the other, talk about a real challenge...
This is my favourite of them all... Maybe because of the 'gasser inspired' side paintscheme.
Some flowered side painting... Notice the Wunderbug kit on the right yellow bug. Must have been a client special order because I really don't think that VW retail Wunderbug kits...
Yellow bugs seems to be very popular. And I reckon brown on yellow works very well on this sunroof one... Notice the late model Ghia on the grass in the background.
Another awazing picture pf the gasser inspired painted bug. Love the MOORE VW sign in the background... Green one looked great also, even retaining its stock rims...
Nowadays, question is : where all those 50 bugs gone? I can't believe they've all gone to the junkyard considering they were all signed by the artist himself... While working on this section, I can't stop thinking how cool it would be to come accross such a Harris painted car somewhere in a Tennessee barn...
Blue bug and pattern in shapes...
Another examples of Rick creativity to change stock bug personality... Note the Riviera rims and the unusual rear fiberglass scoop...
Alcohol and weed might be involved in this paintscheme creation... Definitely not my favourite one...
Front bonnets pictures... Smoke, smoke, smoke... Pattern in tapes...
Last for today, but not least, white and red bug stand out in front of the dealership. Those pictures show that Volkswagen dealers paid great attention to the cleanliness of their institution.
Close-up pictures of that very clean and simple white and red bug...
Rick is still very active today and has been pinstriping and painting cars for over 40 years now, learning new tricks all the time, and being one of the most sought-after pinstripers ever... Thanks for sharing with us on the Nostalgia Corner Rick!
Special paintjobs sure plays a big part in Customizing a bug the seventies way... When you want to make your car stand out from the crowd, fist thing that come to mind is special paintjob...
Below is a very interesting picture highlighting different methods that were very popular in the 70s in the Custom, Hot-Rod and Vans scene that sure will help you understand what you will see ;-)...
Most popular were psychedelic, lace and flames...
We told you about the 50 special paintscheme bugs ordered by the MOORE VW dealership, but it seems that it was quite a common thing in the early 70s... Look at those awesome brand new bugs custom painted for Joe VITTONE famous ECONOMOTORS dealership from Riverside. Very talented Pinstriper was Riverside Alan "GORMO" NORMAN who sadly passed away in 2010.... No car was truly complete unless GORMO striped it...

Typical Gormo striping on this awesome brand new blue bug sitting on sexy Spiders mags... Side striping looks like the GTV stickers stripes available then...

Another brand new red bug with the same striping... Note the Economotors sano building in the background...
Last but not least comes this awesome '73 Super Beetle sold at Econo and EMPI equipped (interior wood grain kit, shifter, mag wheels and performance exhaust). Pictures at Death Valley national park, well before it was a national park.
In June 1972, Hot Rod magazine wrote a special article on 'How to paint flames' using a VW bug... Very cool & informative... Images are thumbnails...
Typical flamed Custom VW from the 70s... Those bumpers are pure porn...
A weekend of works, a few bucks and a wild imagination can transform your wheels into an eye-appealing street machine.
Famous pinstriper Herb MARTINEZ built this '62 flamed bug back in 1975 to advertise his new Custom Paint & Striping shop. Murals are definitely not my cup of tea...
Here is a perfect example of shell panels and psychedelic lines...
I'm totally in love with that bug... OK except for the landscape rendering on the rear window scoop...
Close up view of the front fender of another prime example of groovy fantasy paintscheme...
Another Kustom Kolors paintscheme...
This is probably one of the greatest example of psychedelic paintscheme on a little bug ever...
Another pristine example of psychedelic curves on white bug...
Sky is the limit... but please do NOT copy the frenched rear taillights...
Copyright 2021 El Dub - All rights reserved.
E-mail : eldub@cal-look.com

I'm sure you already heard of Chuck BABBIT, aka SHAKY JAKE, a californian famous eccentric pinstripper very active in the VW scene back in the early 70s.
In fact, Rick and Shaky were friends and Shaky teached a lot of his skills to his new diligent student. They first met in 1973 in Tusla (Oklahoma) at the Street Rod Nationals. Ricks says 'I owe a lot to Shaky, because he taught me a lot about striping, and how to make money in the striping business'
Shaky Hot rod on the front while Rick Custom bug is the background...
Shaky Hot rod on the front while Rick Custom bug is the background...
Shaky Hot rod on the front while Rick Custom bug is the background...
Rick used to paint some cool buses too. Below is a very cool late bay example...

While the actual trend is 80s graphics on the side of many buses right now, I think a groovy paintscheme is also a great option to make it YOUR bus...
Painting brand new bugs for a VW dealership is one thing, showing his personal skills on his own VW is another thing... So, in 1973, Rick decided to build his personal bug following his own point of view in customizing a beetle starting with his brand new 1302...

A brand new bug on Slot Mags and 14' Good'year Polyglas GT tires is a good candidate to achieve the desired look...
Would you believe that surpringsily Rick choosed the hardest way to customize his bug using only sheet metal, even the flared fenders...
Filling the stock quarter windows the old school way... A rare mod I dot not recommend these days...
Would you do this to your brand new car just out from the dealership?
Front flared Super beetle fenders and stock height change the whole look of the bug.
Finished project stands out for sure, and Rick must have been very proud to hit VW Greats cover back in January 1974 with an already successful Lightning Bug... (unfortunately, the bug is only on cover but what a cover...)
Chosen picture was perfect to illustrate en vogue way of making your little bug looks like no other.
Side view is perfect for detailing the filled rear quarter windows. Well, love it or hate it...
Back in 1973, Rick won the best paint award at Memphis Street Machine Convention. Must have been a real achievement for a little VW chosen in between all those hot rods...
Seems the bug attracted many onlookers.
Period indoors exhibitions pictures have something special as far as atmosphere is concerned...
Note the faux fur used on the interior... This is definitely the way to go if you attend to build a period Custom...